The seminar for volunteer training at Universidad de Alicante (Spain) took place on March 15th, 2018. 27 students and professionals attended an 8-hour course under the following program:
Online program (open from 1st to 20th March 2018)
The online program will be completed with the seminar on the 15th march. Volunteers will carry out autonomous work with all the material on the Moodle e-classroom, complete a test-questionnaire and write an essay.
1.- Social Responsibility and ethical behavior, stereotypes, and prejudices.
2.- Intercultural competencies to successfully work in a cross-cultural social environment.
3.- Discrimination in different social contexts.
4.- Intercultural education and its significance in today´s life.
The online program will be completed with the seminar on the 15th march. Volunteers will carry out autonomous work with all the material on the Moodle e-classroom, complete a test-questionnaire and write an essay.
1.- Social Responsibility and ethical behavior, stereotypes, and prejudices.
2.- Intercultural competencies to successfully work in a cross-cultural social environment.
3.- Discrimination in different social contexts.
4.- Intercultural education and its significance in today´s life.
Seminar program
9:00-9:30 Presentation of the RoMigSc Project, objectives and methodology. Susana de Juana
9:30-11:00 | Workshop: Volunteer role, challenges and how to deal with different situations. Patricia Soler. (Center for Student Assistance, Expert in University volunteering at UA)
9:30-11:00 | Workshop: Volunteer role, challenges and how to deal with different situations. Patricia Soler. (Center for Student Assistance, Expert in University volunteering at UA)
11:00-11:30 | Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Teamwork and thematic discussion on the online material, essay and presentations. Rafael Lafont
13:30-14:00 | .Good practices on volunteer work activity with Roma and migrants.Susana de Juana y Ana Rosser.
14:30-15:30 | Lunch
15:30-17:00 Multicultural environment and how to overcome stereotypes and prejudices. Methods to solve conflict situations. Juan David Santiago (Consultant for the Vicerectorate for Social Issues, UA)
11:30-13:00 Teamwork and thematic discussion on the online material, essay and presentations. Rafael Lafont
13:30-14:00 | .Good practices on volunteer work activity with Roma and migrants.Susana de Juana y Ana Rosser.
14:30-15:30 | Lunch
15:30-17:00 Multicultural environment and how to overcome stereotypes and prejudices. Methods to solve conflict situations. Juan David Santiago (Consultant for the Vicerectorate for Social Issues, UA)
17:00-18:30 | How to improve the inclusión of Roma and migrant children in schools. Volunteer opportunities. Vicente Briet (psychologist at Nazaret School) and Diana Guijarro (Technician at Alicante town hall, Dept. for the prevention of School Absenteeism)
It was a success, and there are already some people who are interested in volunteering in the project. In particular, the session where students were put to work on the design of volunteering activities was a blast.