Announcement of volunteering activities 2019 in FYROM, Italy, Slovenia and Spain

Volunteering activities will be organised from February to July 2019 in four countries: FYROM (Skopje region), Italy (Provinces of Taranto and Bari), Slovenia (different regions), Spain (Province of Alicante). Activities will be held in schools with Roma and migrant children and will mainly focus on: supporting learning process for pupils, organizing social, cultural and sport events that can make a significant contribution to integrating into peers’ society and social environment including parental involvement.
Volunteers (especially young people in the age 18-30) are kindly invited to take part in volunteering activities.
We also invite schools (and other organisations that work with Roma/migrant children) to become host institution of volunteering activities 2019.
Invitations for volunteers and for schools will be published in December 2018.

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