News & Events
Nacionalni seminar ter seminar za učitelje, junij 2018
V začetku junija so v Sloveniji potekali tri dogodki v okviru projekta RoMigSc. V sredo, 6. junija je v Celju (na sedežu MFDPŠ) potekal seminar za učitelje, katerega se je
Dissemination events in Naples – at MakeLearn 2018
At the conference MakeLearn, at the session on Social inclusion, held on 16th May, staff members from 4 partner countries (Spain, Slovenia, Germany and Italy) presented their contributions related to
4th Project Meeting, Naples, Italy
4th project meeting was held from 14th – 15th May. Meeting was organised by CSIG, Taranto and hosted by Pegaso Online University, Naples. The main focus of the meeting was
Prostovoljstvo v Sloveniji
Vlada Republike Slovenije dne 11. 7. 2018 seznanila z že sedmim Skupnim poročilom o prostovoljstvu v Republiki Sloveniji za leto 2017. Iz zbirnih podatkov je razvidno, da veliko mladih prostovoljcev deluje v
O projektu RoMigSc v dvorcu Rakičan
O nacionalnem posvetu v okviru projekta RoMigSc so pisali tudi v drugih medijih: Članek na
Predstavitev projekta na zaključni prireditvi TVŽ
V torek, 19. 6. 2018, je potekalo zaključno srečanje Tedna vseživljenjskega učenja (TVU) partnerske mreže Regijskega študijskega središča, v kateri je sodelovala tudi Mednarodna fakulteta za družbene in poslovne študije
Seminarji in nacionalni posvet v Sloveniji
Spoštovani, vabimo vas na tri dogodke (seminarja in nacionalni posvet) v okviru mednarodnega projekta “Vključevanje Romov in migrantov v šole: Usposabljanja, odprte razprave in prostovoljne dejavnosti mladih (RoMigSc)”, ki bodo organizirani 6.
El Día Internacional del Pueblo Gitano
La Universidad de Alicante organiza una amplia programación para conmemorar el Día Internacional del Pueblo Gitano El Vicerrectorado de Responsabilidad Social, Inclusión e Igualdad desarrolla la política institucional de compromiso
How do the performance and well-being of students with an immigrant background compare across countries?
The ability of societies to preserve social cohesion in the presence of large migration flows depends on their capacity to integrate immigrants. Education can help immigrants acquire skills and contribute
OECD Reviews of Migrant Education
The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background: Factors that Shape Well-being Migration flows are profoundly changing the composition of classrooms. Results from the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
Seminar for volunteers in Alicante
The seminar for volunteer training at Universidad de Alicante (Spain) took place on March 15th, 2018. 27 students and professionals attended an 8-hour course under the following program: SEMINAR FOR
Seminar for volunteers in Taranto
On Tuesday, March 13, 2018, we organized a seminar for volunteers at Jonic Department of UniBa (Taranto, Italy). The workshop (45 participants attended) was organized by CSIG (PhD. Augusto Sebastio