News & Events
Von Somalia nach Biedenkopf
Mit nur 17 Jahren und einem eher realitätsfernen Europabild kam Hamse Abdirahman 2013 nach Deutschland. Den Einstieg ins neue Leben hatte er sich anfangs leichter vorgestellt: “Wir müssen hart arbeiten,
Catching Up? Intergenerational Mobility and Children of Immigrants
Previous OECD and EU work has shown that even native-born children with immigrant parents face persistent disadvantage in the education system, the school-to-work transition, and the labour market. To which
Presentation of RoMigSc in Slovenia on International Day of Migrants
On December 18th 2017, International Day of Migrants, the European Commission in Slovenia and the Slovenian Philanthropy organized an event which was focusing mainly on projects and initiatives aimed at
Mednarodni dan migrantov – vključevanje otrok migrantov v Sloveniji
Predstavništvo Evropske komisije v Sloveniji in Slovenska filantropija sta 18. decembra na dan migrantov v Sloveniji organizirala dogodek, na katerem so pozornost namenjali predvsem projektom in pobudam za lažje vključevanje
November 18th – International Migrants Day
The RoMigSc Project partners will attend different events, organized in their home countries, on the International Migrants Day – November 18th. International Migrants Day is an international day overseen on
“Young European of the Year” award
The award for the “Young European of the Year” is given to young Europeans aged between 18 and 26 years who have distinguished themselves in an exemplary manner concerning their
3rd RoMigSc Project Meeting in Alicante
Alicante (Spain) was the venue of 3rd project meeting of RoMigSc, during November 27th – 28th, 2017. The focus of the meeting was on the planning of the approaching volunteering
Meeting with representatives of schools
On October 18, ISSBS as one of the project partners in the RoMigSc Project organized a meeting with representatives of schools, which will take volunteers and enrich their educational activities for
Sestanek s šolami glede dela prostovoljcev
Dne 18. oktobra so na MFDPŠ organizirali sestanek s predstavniki šol, ki bodo sprejele prostovoljce in z njimi obogatile svojo izobraževalno dejavnost, namenjeno otrokom z migrantskim ali romskim poreklom. Na
Conference Educate for Dialogue
On 9-10 October 2017, the Anna Lindh Foundation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia
Интеркултурно образование
Интеркулутрно образование и воспитување во мултикултурни општества Нансен моделот за интеркултурно образование Нансен моделот за интеркултурно образование Проект за меѓуетничка интеграција во образованието УСАИД
Kültürlerarası Eğitim
Çokkültürlü ve kültürlerarası eğitim kavramlarının ders kitapları özelinde bir tartışması için bkz. Almanya’daki ders kitaplarındaki örneklerle kültürlerarası eğitim kavramı hakkındaki bir tartışma için bkz. Çokkültürlü eğitimin tarihi ve yansımaları için