ISSBS is a dynamic private higher education institution, founded in 2006, with approximately 500 students. ISSBS is specialized in the field of business and social studies at bachelors, masters and PhD levels. One of the strategic directions of ISSBS is also to embed social responsibility in the delivery of study programmes. Besides, among the ISSBS’s prominent features are its high-quality academics and long-standing international vocation in study and research.
IRŠIK is a multidisciplinary research institution, connected with other higher education and research organisations. The institute primarily conducts research in the field of romological and educational studies. It also has its own informational, documentary library and works close with the Roma Union.
SEEU is a higher education institution, consisting of faculties, centers and institutes as its integral part, specialized in socio-economic sciences. The university is composed of five academic units, along with two research centers. SEEU, through its language policy called “flexible use of languages”, offers possibilities for students to get education in their mother tongue (Albanian or Macedonian) along with the English language. Currently the University has over 8,000 students and around 1,800 graduates.
CSIG works as a NGO, a centre for research in the field of new technologies and its impact on our life and social dimension. It studies the social role of technology and every form of social inclusion mediated by technology and works close with the University of Bari. CSIG is strong in IT law and Immigration Law and has been working for several years on issues regarding human rights, information, technology, social networking, and migrations.
ISOB is a private research and development institution, founded as a limited company (ISOB GmbH). ISOB is a member of the German Society for Evaluation (DGEVAL) and works according to the internationally accepted peer-reviewed evaluation standards. They are active in various workgroups of the association in order to make sure that the methodologies used reflect the latest state of the art.
UA was created in 1979. Today it educates and trains about 28.000 students (2.500 of them are international students) and offers 42 undergraduate and 81 postgraduate programmes: it is one of the fastest growing universities in Spain. UA houses 227 research groups covering all fields of study, from Social and Legal Sciences till Technological and Experimental Health Sciences, gathered in 15 Research Institutes.
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